

Talina was born in a serene island in the mediterranean,
where I spent all my childhood summers and where I have been my happiest.
Back then, the island was remote and removed from all bustle,
so, pushed by my interest in crafting, I dedicated most of my time to bead.
I loved it but stopped doing so as I grew older.
Three years ago, in one of my yearly visits to the island and invaded by a sense of nostalgia, I started crafting and beading again.
Just like that, Talina's journey started.
Talina is a small project/brand that embodies the essence and memories of my infancy.
It is about playing, experimenting and testing.
It is about time and patience.
All Talinas are wearable pieces in the form of jewelry.
Made with crystal beads, they are delicately handcrafted in Barcelona with the hope to exude playfulness and the authenticity of youth.